We seek to bring hope and spiritual renewal through the unconditional love of Jesus Christ that knows no borders or boundaries of race, creed, or social status. We strive to make a difference in our world by offering spiritual solutions for the challenges of life and translating God's love into actions that manifest kindness and compassion and improve the lives of others. We endeavor to follow the example of Jesus, whose ministry was "to preach the Gospel … to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind" (The Bible, Luke 4:18). We are committed to: Making the World a Better Place: Sharing the message of God's love for humankind. Our passion is to change the world through empowering people to develop a personal relationship with God, and in turn, to change their part of the world. We seek to provide a supportive and energizing environment for personal spiritual growth, for sharing the good news of God's love and salvation, and for the application of Christian ethics and values to everyday life. Spiritual Development: Providing spiritual and emotional support for managing the challenges of modern life. We try to provide opportunities for people's spiritual development through means such as personal counseling and coaching, support groups, seminars, retreats, and personal comfort and encouragement in times of distress or hardship. We also engage in a variety of educational and character-building programs for children, as well as faith-based instruction for parents and educators. Humanitarian Assistance: Enhancing the quality of life of the disadvantaged, displaced, and those without hope.
We strive to meet the needs of others through a wide range of humanitarian efforts, including emergency relief efforts, volunteer training, capacity building for the underprivileged, education initiatives, sustainable development programs, benefit performances, and food and aid distribution. We also provide emotional and spiritual support for relief workers, and engage in visitation programs in hospitals, orphanages, homeless shelters, and prisons.


La Misión de la “Fundación Mundo Visión”  *Dar a conocer las buenas nuevas del amor y la verdad de Dios; ofrecer la salvación y conducir a ella. *Impartir a los demás la Palabra y las verdades espirituales, y ayudarles a tener una relación con Jesús y enriquecer espiritualmente su vida. *Instruir a las personas que estén dispuestas y sean capaces para que testifiquen, conquisten e instruyen a otros; captar más obreros que nos ayuden a recoger la cosecha y transformar el mundo. Dar amor y procurar el bienestar del grupo familiar, a fin de elevar su calidad de vida tanto en lo físico como en lo espiritual. Promover ética y valores por medio de talleres culturales, artísticos, y charlas de crecimiento personal.